
When I was still pregnant with Alana, and would go in for an ultrasound, she would, more often then not, get the nickname "wiggles" while we were there. She turned one 45 minute scheduled ultrasound into an hour and a half thanks to her wiggling one time. That is where she initially got the nickname. Women would always comment that they never remembered their kids wiggling as much as mine when they were pregnant. Today, the comments I hear the most from people about Alana is that she is pretty, that she's got so much hair, that she is very alert, and that "my goodness, she wiggles a lot". And she does. She has never been a cuddler. Unless she is asleep, you can't even get her to put her head down on you. Sad, I know. Now, my question is, did I do something that made her this way? Or is it just some part of her genetic personality that was going to happen no matter what? I like it when babies cuddle, so maybe next time, if there is anything I can do differently.... Even when she first wakes up-she's wiggling. Sometimes I'm afraid people who've never held her before won't expect it, and she'll end up falling. It's so funny, because even though I still swaddle her, and she sleeps in one of those sleep positioners she still usually ends up horizontal at the bottom of her crib in the morning. She even wiggles in her sleep! Speaking of sleeping, she is now going through what I hope is a phase, and fighting me when I try to put her down for naps or for the night, and usually I have to put her down four or five times before she actually stays down. I was already thinking that it may be time to put her on rice cereal because my milk supply can't keep up with her now that I'm back at work, but the sleep thing is kind of pushing me over the edge. They say 4-6 months. She's 4 months now. So, I guess the question is, why would you wait until 6 months? Is it just because of the mess? Does something happen? Can it affect their health or anything? I just don't know, so I'm asking so I can make an informed decision. Anyways, again, I need to go to bed.. The only time I get the chance to post seems to be before I go to bed, and after she does on the weekends. Here's a picture "wiggles" sleeping, and one of her playing.
They say around 6 months because that's usually around the time they develop the ability to eat solid food. The test is to give her a bit and see if she pushes it out of her mouth with her tongue (the motion she uses for nursing), try it a couple times and if she continues to push it out, she's not ready yet.
Hans went through the same sleeping phase. Don't worry, everything is a phase at this point. Everything changes every month, it seems. I tried rice cereal in formula at night at 4 months, and it made him gassy and more fussy; he wasn't allergic to rice, his little body just wasn't ready for it yet. You might try formula at night (8-9 ounces) and see if it makes a difference. You never know, she might also be teething early!
I don't think you did anything to make her wiggly; that seems like it's the way God made her, and another baby will be different! :)
Amy, In the "olden days" we started our babies on rice cereal when they were 6 weeks old. Sure helped them sleep when they went to bed full. And didn't bother their digestive system.
She's sure a sweetheart. We're anxious to see her.
Love seeing the pictures of the baby, Amy!!
She is just a wiggler, and then she'll probably keep you running after her the rest of her childhood! Lol!
It probably wouldn't hurt her to try a little rice cereal in a bottle of formula and see how she responds. Getting a good night's sleep is so important for you, and good for her too. :)
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