Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The funny things we do...

I came to a realization today about just how funny parents will act to appease their children. For instance; our condo is an older building, and the upstairs is full of old creaky boards. Since both our room and Alana's room are upstairs, you have to avoid stepping on the creaky boards in order to not wake Alana. This requires what I like to call "the hallway dance". A tiptoe here, a twirl here, and a little hop at the end is what you have to do to get out of her room and down the hallway without waking her with a loud creak after you've put her down. You must do this again if you have to pass her room again at any given point in time at night. I realized what I was doing with this routine the other night and it struck me as funny how anyone looking in would think my little dance ridiculous. Or, how, when in public, such as at the grocery store, your child is getting restless, so you break into her favorite song to keep her entertained. No matter how many people look at you funny you just keep on singing, just so she'll smile. Not one to sing in public myself, this can be really embarrassing. But, you do it, for her. What is it about having kids that suddenly makes this all acceptable? And, what's with all the high pitched voices whenever one talks to an infant? I just think it's interesting how much people can act like complete idiots around kids and not even realize their doing it, until one day of enlightenment, like I just had, and then, still not even care..Anyways I have to go to bed, but here's another picture of the baby that makes me act silly, and one of her and her daddy being silly together.


Blogger Von said...

What a sweetie! Love seeing all the pictures.
Babies change EVERYTHING!! Lol!

9:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You remind me of your dad singing, run, run, run, clap, clap, clap.

Aren't we silly?


6:59 PM  
Blogger Amy Sue said...

Max sings "maniac" while he runs her legs. Yeah. We are.

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AmySue, sure is neat seeing the pictures of "our baby" What a sweetheart. We're anxious to see her. ( and all of you, of course)

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is funny. I've heard it said that babies are the most powerful beings on earth - they have the ability to make normal, intelligent adults into babbling idiots, almost instantaniously! Enjoy your charmer!

3:32 PM  

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