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Alana started sitting last week! She's sitting pretty well on her own now. It's really nice. She's still no where close to scooting yet. If you put her on her stomach, and set something out of her reach, she kind of just moves her arms and legs like she's trying to swim. I don't think she gets that she actually has to make contact with the floor yet. So I think that she might be a little ahead with the sitting thing, but a little behind on the moving thing which is exactly what I want! I love it when babies can sit on their own, but can't go anywhere! I might actually get a while to enjoy this faze.. Alana is officially 5 months old today! Yeah! I don't know where the last five months have gone though. It feels like she's been here forever, but at the same time, it doesn't feel like it could have possibly been 5 months. Here are some cute pictures of Miss Jo, and one of my birthday at Mom's house the day of.
Non-mobile babies are wonderful! Enjoy it while you can Amy. :D
Re your comment on my blog about finding time to stitch - when you and Mystie were babies, your mom and I didn't work or have as much to juggle as you do. Perhaps on a weekend you can catch 15 minutes of stitching time in between chores and playing with Alana. One Saturday I tried working for 15-20 minutes then stitching for the same - use a timer! - and was able to get quite a bit done. :D Even if you were able to sneak in an hour's worth of stitching it would be progress. Hang in there, hon!
Thanks Von, I'm trying!
You have the sweetest little baby! I found your blog by accident :). Glad I did.
Blessings from one mom to another.
Thank you Tina, stop by again!
Oh my word, I miss the baby! Disneyland is fun, but can hardly wait to get home and hold Alana! Great pictures! You are stitching????? What? what?
Love you,
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