We got the house!

What a week this has been! Alana has had a ear infection all week, but when we first went to the doctor on Monday he told us she just had a virus. So, we didn't get the antibiotics in her until Thursday, when we brought her back in and were told that she did indeed have a bad ear infection. I was a little irritated by this, considering Alana could have been feeling better by Wednesday, I wouldn't have had to take as much time off work, we could've saved one of the co-payments, etc. Especially since I had suspected that she had an infection in the first place and that's why I initially had brought her in on Monday! Doctors sometimes, really!
We got our house! We move in the second week of August! I'm so excited that we're going to be so close to my parents! And we'll have so much more space! Yay!!!
I still haven't heard back on that job, my boss thinks it's probably because I am not their first pick, but if they get turned down by the outsider, they want to still have me around to give the job to. So, essentially, I probably got "second place". Of course, they would never tell me that. So, more waiting....
Also, my mom has some good news, which I'm sure she'll be more than happy to tell everyone!
Here are some more pix of our new house...Yay!!